Aprenda a Ler Escrever e Falar sobre Karate em Inglês

Aprenda a Ler Escrever e Falar sobre Karate em Inglês

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Hoje vamos aprender um pouco mais sobre

Karate, Kata, Kumite, Team, Trophy



By the end of this article, you will be able to:

White About Karate
Read About Karate
Talk About Karate
Identify Things About Karate

Vocabulary Picture Match

What do you see in this pictures? Click the image for more!

electronic scoreboard
knee strikes

You can say:

In the first picture, I see _____________________________.

In the second picture, I see ____________________________.

In the picture number three, I can see ____________________________.

In the last picture, I can see __________________________.

25 sentences with examples about karate

O foco desta página é treinar frases em Inglês do tema karate com a tradução em Português.

Why karate is important

Por que o karatê é importante

Are karate boards fake

As pranchas de karatê são falsas

Where karate came from

De onde veio o karatê

Where karate was born

Onde nasceu o karatê

Where karate kid was filmed

Onde foi filmado karatê kid

Can karate beat kung fu

Pode karate bater kung fu

Will karate be in the olympics

O karatê estará nas olimpíadas

Are karate tournaments real

Os torneios de karatê são reais

Are karate and taekwondo the same

Karate e taekwondo são a mesma coisa

Are karate chops effective

Os golpes de karatê são eficazes

How karate works

Como funciona o karatê

Can karate be self taught

Karatê pode ser autodidata?

Will karate be in the 2024 olympics

O karatê estará nas olimpíadas de 2024

Will karate be in the 2028 olympics

O karatê estará nas olimpíadas de 2028

How karate helps you

Como o karatê ajuda você

How karate do as self defense

Como o karatê funciona como defesa pessoal

Why karate is a waste of time

Por que o karatê é uma perda de tempo

Are karate boards pre cut

São pranchas de karatê pré cortadas

Will karate get me in shape

O karatê vai me deixar em forma

Where karate come from

De onde vem o karatê

Why karate is not effective

Por que o karatê não é eficaz

How karate belts work

Como funcionam os cintos de karatê

Where karate started

Onde o karatê começou

Will karate help my child behavior

O karatê ajudará o comportamento do meu filho

Will karate help me lose weight

O karatê vai me ajudar a perder peso

Identify things about Gymnasium

What do you see in this picture? Click the image for more!

Identifique as palavras que você lembrar nesta imagem sobre Gymnasium


O que você vê nesta foto?

Write a sentence with Gymnasium

Faça uma frase com a palavra Gymnasium e de preferência use algumas palavras que você identificou na foto acima.

Identify things about Medals

What do you see in this picture? Click the image for more!

Identifique palavras que conhece nesta foto sobre Medals!


What do you see in this picture?

Write a sentence about Medals

Faça uma frase com a palavra Medals e de preferência use algumas palavras que você identificou na foto acima.

Identify things about Kimono

What do you see in this picture? Click the image for more!

Think and Write About Kimono!


O que você vê nesta foto?

Write a sentence about Kimono

Faça uma frase com a palavra Kimono e de preferência use algumas palavras que você identificou na foto acima.

Identify things about Fight

What do you see in this picture? Click the image for more!

Identify 4 Things About Fight!


O que você vê nesta foto?

Write a sentence about Fight

Faça uma frase com a palavra Fight e de preferência use algumas palavras que você identificou na foto acima.

Identify what's happening in each picture

Think about what do you see in this picture? Click the image for more!

What is happening in each photo?

O que esta acontecendo nestas duas imagens?
Identifique as palavras em inglês que você já conhece e repita em voz alta para treinar o seu LISTEN.


Whats is happening in this picture? Team

Veja Mais exemplos sobre Team

Whats is happening in this picture? Sport

Veja Mais exemplos sobre Sport

What do You See?

O que você vê nas imagens abaixo. Identifique as palavras em inglês que você já conhece e repita em voz alta para treinar o seu LISTEN.

chinese martial arts

Pense em uma frase sobre Chinese Martial Arts

Veja Mais exemplos sobre Chinese Martial Arts

Pense em uma frase sobre Karateka

Veja Mais exemplos sobre Karateka

Pense em uma frase sobre Okinawa

Veja Mais exemplos sobre Okinawa


What do you see in this pictures? Click the image for more!

Lista com 23 frases ou palavras comuns mais usadas em Inglês para karate

List in English:
  1. Kata.
  2. Team.
  3. Kumite.
  4. Karate.
  5. Trophy.
  6. Athletes.
  7. Medals.
  8. Electronic scoreboard.
    Placar eletrônico.
  9. Gymnasium.
  10. Kimono.
  11. Punching.
  12. Kicking.
  13. Knee strikes.
    Golpes de joelho.
  14. Karateka.
  15. Gymnasium.
  16. Medals.
  17. Kimono.
  18. Fight.
  19. Team.
  20. Sport.
  21. Chinese martial arts.
    Artes marciais chinesas.
  22. Karateka.
  23. Okinawa.
electronic scoreboard
knee strikes
chinese martial arts

I help you to write about karate

Escreva uma nova frase contendo a palavra karate


Write a new sentence with word karate

What you need to know about karate.

O que você precisa saber sobre karate.

Karate is a martial art developed in the Ryukyu Kingdom. It developed from the indigenous Ryukyuan martial arts under the influence of Chinese martial arts, particularly Fujian White Crane. Karate is now predominantly a striking art using punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes and open-hand techniques such as knife-hands, spear-hands and palm-heel strikes. Historically, and in some modern styles, grappling, throws, joint locks, restraints and vital-point strikes are also taught. A karate practitioner is called a karateka.

The Empire of Japan annexed the Ryukyu Kingdom in 1879. Karate came to mainland Japan in the early 20th century during a time of migration as Ryukyuans, especially from Okinawa, looked for work in the main islands of Japan. It was systematically taught in Japan after the Taisho era of 1912?1926. In 1922, the Japanese Ministry of Education invited Gichin Funakoshi to Tokyo to give a karate demonstration. In 1924, Keio University established the first university karate club in mainland Japan, and by 1932 major Japanese universities had karate clubs. In this era of escalating Japanese militarism, the name was changed from (Chinese hand or Tang hand) to (empty hand) ? both of which are pronounced karate in Japanese ? to indicate that the Japanese wished to develop the combat form in Japanese style. After World War II, Okinawa became (1945) an important United States military site and karate became popular among servicemen stationed there.

The martial arts movies of the 1960s and 1970s served to greatly increase the popularity of martial arts around the world, and English-speakers began to use the word karate in a generic way to refer to all striking-based Asian martial arts. Karate schools (dojos) began appearing around the world, catering to those with casual interest as well as those seeking a deeper study of the art.

Shigeru Egami, Chief Instructor of the Shotokan dojo, opined that the majority of followers of karate in overseas countries pursue karate only for its fighting techniques ... Movies and television ... depict karate as a mysterious way of fighting capable of causing death or injury with a single blow ... the mass media present a pseudo art far from the real thing. Sh?shin Nagamine said: Karate may be considered as the conflict within oneself or as a life-long marathon which can be won only through self-discipline, hard training and one's own creative efforts.

On 28 September 2015 karate featured on a shortlist (along with baseball, softball, skateboarding, surfing, and sport climbing) for consideration for inclusion in the 2020 Summer Olympics. On 1 June 2016 the International Olympic Committee's executive board announced they were supporting the inclusion of all five sports (counting baseball and softball as only one sport) for inclusion in the 2020 Games.

Web Japan (sponsored by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs) claims that karate has 50 million practitioners worldwide, while the World Karate Federation claims there are 100 million practitioners around the world.

Font Wikipedia EN


Karate is a martial art developed in the Ryukyu Kingdom. It developed from the indigenous Ryukyuan martial arts under the influence of Chinese martial arts, particularly Fujian White Crane. Karate is now predominantly a striking art using

I'm going to practice karate
Karate is for life
Karate strengthens the body and mind
karate helps lose weight
I'm a white belt in karate
I will be a black belt in karate

vou praticar karatê
Karatê é para toda a vida
Karatê fortalece o corpo e a mente
karatê ajuda a emagrecer
sou faixa branca em karate
serei faixa preta em karate

Make a sentence using the 14 vocabulary words.

Nivel Hard - Pra grudar no cérebro - Agora tente criar novas frases sem o auxilio das imagens

Write a new sentence with word Kata

Write a new sentence with word Team

Write a new sentence with word Kumite

Write a new sentence with word Karate

Write a new sentence with word Trophy

Write a new sentence with word Athletes

Write a new sentence with word Medals

Write a new sentence with word Electronic Scoreboard

Write a new sentence with word Gymnasium

Write a new sentence with word Kimono

Write a new sentence with word Punching

Write a new sentence with word Kicking

Write a new sentence with word Knee Strikes

Write a new sentence with word Karateka

Aprenda a Ler Escrever e Falar sobre Karate em Inglês >>>> Link para está aula:
karate, kata, kumite, team, trophy,
Sport, Vocabulary about Sport, Vocabulary about Sport in English, Vocabularios sobre Sport em Inglês, Sport em Inglês, Learn about Sport in English, Como dizer palavras sobre Sport em Inglês,
How to write about Kata in English, How to write about Team in English, How to write about Kumite in English, How to write about Karate in English, How to write about Trophy in English, How to write about Athletes in English, How to write about Medals in English, How to write about Electronic Scoreboard in English, How to write about Gymnasium in English, How to write about Kimono in English, How to write about Punching in English, How to write about Kicking in English, How to write about Knee Strikes in English, How to write about Karateka in English,




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